After God’s Heart: Devotionals on the Life of King David
This book is about David. Drawn mostly from the accounts given in 1st and 2nd books of Samuel, these devotionals seek to uncover what exactly it is about David that earned him this great accolade as a man after God’s heart and who will do all his will. One general lesson that is impossible to miss from the life of David is that failures do not preclude us from earning divine approbation. We know he famously murdered Uriah and committed adultery with the man’s wife and that he was barred from building the temple because of the blood on his hands. His ultimate triumph then brings hope to all of us that in spite of our failures we can still get back up and finish our race strong. His personal struggles highlight the perpetual struggle between the flesh and the spirit, a conflict we all experience (and which the apostle Paul so ably expounded in Romans 7:13-25), but his triumph assures us that in spite of this body of death that is bound to us we can still pursue the heart of God and do all his will, much to his pleasure.