Reincarnation or Regeneration?
The traditions of Hinduism and Christianity differ in their conception of life after death. The former believes salvation is obtained through several physical rebirths while the latter teaches that we need a spiritual rebirth. Recent years has seen the evolution of another position known as Christian Reincarnation. This is a hybrid position that is based on the concept of an Oversoul, and which claims that as long as the Bible is read as one life cycle of a human being the two teachings can find compatibility.
In this booklet, the author, himself from a Hindu ancestry, reviews the claims of reincarnation and demonstrates why it is not a more acceptable way to attain freedom from sin and evil than the doctrine of regeneration of spirit as taught by Jesus Christ.
The author hopes that those seeking meaning in life and salvation in the afterlife will find that their lives are not under the influence of some uncontrollable force or karma, but rather that through a voluntary decision to have Christ regenerate their spirit they can find peace with God and eternal life in the world to come.