The Mystery of God: Demystifying the Triune Godhead
Among ancient Greeks the ‘mysteries’ were religious rites and ceremonies practiced by secret societies which those so desirous may enter. Those initiated into the mysteries were known to possess certain exclusive knowledge and were deemed to be perfected in knowledge. In 1 Cor.2:6-16, Paul draws from this general knowledge to say that the perfected believer is one who has actually been initiated in the mysteries of God and he claims to be one of those mustes or initiated. Notwithstanding the abundance of revelations to which he was privileged he makes it clear that the mysteries of God are not just for the apostles but for all saints.
The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints (Col.1:26).
This means that all saints can attain to perfection in the knowledge of God. I pray that these messages will help you demystify the mystery of God with the intent that you might know him and enjoy eternal life NOW.