Live With Precision: Walking in Step with God’s Plan for Your Life


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If we believe that humans evolved on this planet, then it would be difficult, if not impossible, to make the case that there is meaning to life. An atheistic or evolutionary approach to existence flies in the face of intentionality, and without the latter, the feeling of meaninglessness and despair of existence is to be expected.

Equally, because it is illogical to divorce creation from intention, those who accept that we are not the products of random processes but that we proceed from the mind of a wise, loving, and perfect Creator, must necessarily believe that we are valuable and purposeful beings. And if the human federation has been given a goal and a command to fulfil it, then it follows that the individuals within that body must also have specific roles and responsibilities to harmonize with the corporate objective.

This implies that God has a unique, non-negotiable, and non-transferable purpose for every human being, a thought that ought to boost our sense of worth and purpose and drive us towards the successful completion of our mandate. Understanding and acting on this principle of life is the antidote for purposelessness and its derivatives such as fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental health impairments, not the least of which is the growing problem of suicides. The problem, however, is that in Adam, the human federation has chosen to pursue a non-aligned agenda, meaning a path that is not in sync with the divinely approved script for this age, and in so doing has despised its inheritance of a full and abundant life. It is this disconnection and loss of purpose that Jesus sought to restore when he stated that his mission was to “seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk.19:10).

The truth I seek to convince readers about is that we were never meant to be wanderers, ever searching for meaning to our existence, but that sin has separated us from our Creator and left us in the dark concerning our purpose. Consequently, if we are willing to accept the fact of our creation, as well as the reality of sin and its adverse impact on our ability to discover and walk in step with our script, and if we understand that the work of Christ was to bring about reconciliation with God, and receive it, we can emerge from the darkness into the glorious light and live life with precision.