After the Cold War, the world expected that with a single remaining global superpower, the arms race would be over. Swords would be beaten into ploughshares and the world would enter an age of peace and prosperity. Well, peace there is not, and as to prosperity, that is for the already prosperous. The lesson from history that we seem unable to learn is that human nature is not one that is peaceful. The landscape of our history has been littered with the remnants of wars and conflicts, and it has nothing to do with racial and religious differences or economic disparities. Conflict has everything to do with a nature that has been severely compromised by the falsehood that we are capable of self-determination, of making our own way without our Creator.
So far, none of the wars from the dawn of our history have been able to destroy this planet. She has absorbed billions of liters of blood and tears and survived. But there is a war coming, so terrible, it will make the two World Wars seem like petty skirmishes in a schoolyard, and will require the intervention of the Creator to stop the annihilation of all life. It is the Battle of Armageddon. And the path to Armageddon is getting its final coat of paving.
These essays aim to bring to awareness that the events unfolding around and above us are not to be dismissed as accidental, disconnected, or inconsequential, but are to be seen like a jigsaw puzzle, with pieces being pushed here and there to achieve a predetermined end. There is a mind behind the madness. Having himself been confirmed in wickedness after he chose independence from his Creator, and now living daily in despair of existence as a result of his choice, Satan continues to propagate the lie that self-determined rule is the better choice for all sentient creations. Unfortunately, the lethal consequences of his and Adam’s fatal choices have not served as a deterrent to others from following the same path. We refuse to admit our need for God, and so we unwittingly advance Satan’s dark agenda, buying into all his offerings without question.
It is time to look beyond the superficial, and to hear beyond what is being spoken, and to this end, I call on us to peer diligently into the Word of God, to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people, zealous for good works.