The Face of God: The Saints’ Ultimate Quest
God’s primary purpose for us as individuals is to make us into his image and likeness so we could have fellowship with him and accomplish our mandate as vice-regents over his creative works (Gen.1:26). The potential for this relationship was lost in the fall of man when Adam chose the way of rebellion and it is to this end that Jesus Christ came into our world. Through his life, death, resurrection and continuing ministry through the Spirit, Jesus ensured that the divine intent was again possible. But how does this imaging take place? How do we conform to the likeness of the Father?
In this series of messages preached at Calvary Worship Centre, Pastor Rupnarain encourages us to move out from our own house of comfort and safety and aim for the palace and for the face of the king, for to behold him is to become like him, and to become like him, who is love, is his intent for us from the very beginning (Genesis 1:26).