What are we to make of this Great Reset to which the WEF and world leaders like Trudeau have been talking about? Is there any truth to the assertion that the ‘Reset’ has as its goal the restructuring of governments, religion, and economies to bring equity and equality to all earth’s inhabitants? Is the great reset an opportunity, wittingly or unwittingly, for the powers of this age to usher in Armageddon and the end of this world? An even bigger question is whether world leaders know who or what is influencing their decision. Would they accept that as free moral agents they really are not as free as they think and that their aims and plans for a reimagined world might be the agenda of non-human forces? And if so, who are these extra-terrestrials and what is their agenda? How does this present age unfold? What will the world be like one minute before it ends? According to prophetic oracles, this age will come to an end, not with a whimper, but with a massive clash of nations, led by two individuals who will unite and lead a world government and a global church, respectively. Read more in the Great Reset.