I Thank My God I Speak With Tongues
Jesus said that one of the signs that will accompany his disciples is that they will speak with other tongues (Mark 16:17). This phenomenon occurred on the Day of Pentecost when all the believers gathered in Jerusalem were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues (Acts 2:4). It continued as the church grew and expanded from Jews to the Gentiles and continues today to be a staple in Charismatic and Pentecostal circles.
But why, you ask, do I need this experience? I did not need it to be saved and even today many respected Christians do not speak with tongues. Can you prove that this experience is for the church of today and if so, what do I stand to gain from speaking in tongues, and how can I obtain this experience?
In this book, Pastor Richard Rupnarain shows from Scripture and his personal experience how this ‘sign’ promised by Jesus is available to every believer who desires to be built up and strengthened in this most holy faith; the benefits to be gained by speaking with other tongues; and how to receive this supernatural gift.