Oh Hell, It’s Real
In this narrative Jesus introduces us to the afterlife. The central characters are Lazarus, a poor beggar, and a rich man whose name is not disclosed. These two men typify the two classes of people on this earth – the godly and the ungodly; those that trust in God and those that trust in themselves; those who walk the narrow path that leads to life and those who tread the broad road that leads to destruction. They both died but went to different destinations. Death released Lazarus from his temporal misery and he was escorted to heaven by angels, while death blew the whistle for the rich man to commence his journey into the land of eternal misery. For no sooner had he closed his eyes in death that he awoke screaming in Hell for mercy. I imagined his first words to be, “Oh Hell! It’s real.” Yes! Hell is real. But the good news is that hell was prepared for the Devil and his angels and not humans.
In this booklet, Pastor Rupnarain tells us how we can avoid the merciless flames of hell and enjoy eternal life with our Creator.